My name is Jessica Hoang and I'm a wedding and lifestyle photographer based in Toronto. I've had the wonderful opportunity to work with some incredible photographers including international wedding photographer, Joee Wong. My photography business has taken me across the world to Italy, Japan, Dominican Republic, Las Vegas, Mexico, and San Francisco. 

My approach to photography is to culivate relationships with each person to help convey their story. I'm not just your photographer; I'm your friend, and I'm here for you every step of the way.

I would love to hear from you, so please say hello[at]





Photography by Joee Wong




There's something special about walking off a plane and onto new, unknown terrorities. Every time I find myself in a different place, I'm in awe and in fascination with my surroundings. I live every moment. I love that I meet new people along the way, experience new activities, try new foods, and celebrate life. I learn something new with every trip.


I come from a very large family, and they are the foundation of who I am. They taught me how to laugh, care, share, and work with others. We're a tight-knit family and as my family grows, I know there are many more memories to be made.




I totally love food -- whether I'm out dining with friends in downtown Toronto or I'm all the way in Italy trying local favourites -- there's something to be said about the social aspect of food. It simply brings people together. I love to try new restaurants and meals but I also love to cook and bake. Everyone always asks me where the best pho in Toronto is; and that's honour goes to... my mom 🙂


Be a part of my journey, and follow my adventures on Instagram.

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